Download Arity Mod 1.44 APK for Android

Arity Mod.apk 1.44
Name: arity-mod.apk
ID: ua.naiksoftware.aritymod
Version: 1.44
Size: 1.4 Mb

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Arity Mod Details

Arity Calculator was written by Mihai Preda, and is open source. It uses the "Arity" arithmetic library. Адаптировано для Android 4.x by Naik. Special mod for KI-14-1 :) Enjoy! Sample expressions simple expression: 1+2 variable evaluation: pi function evaluation: sin(0) variable definition: a=3.5 function definition: f(x)=x^2-1 parentheses: (1-x)^2 To enter an expression cointaining letters, such as sin(x), use the ⇳ key on the basic keypad. It toggles opened/closed the letter keypad. Predefined functions Logarithms and power sqrt(x): square root; x^0.5 cbrt(x): cube root; x^(1/3) exp(x): exponential; e^x log(x), ln(x): natural logarithm log2(x), lb(x): binary logarithm log10(x), lg(x): decimal logarithm log(base,x): arbitrary base logarithm Trigonometric - radians sin(x), cos(x), tan(x) asin(x), acos(x), atan(x) Trigonometric - degrees sind(x), cosd(x), tand(x) asind(x), acosd(x), atand(x) Hyperbolic sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x) asinh(x), acosh(x), atanh(x) Other gcd(x,y): greatest common divisor comb(n,k): combinations perm(n,k): permutations min(x,y), max(x,y) floor(x), ceil(x) abs(x): absolute value sign(x): signum rnd(): random value from [0,1). rnd(max): random value from [0, max). gamma(x): (x-1)! mod(x,y): modulo Complex numbers i or j is the complex base. Example: i*i (1+i)^2 e^(i*pi) Operators + - × ÷ basic arithmetic ^ power % percent ! factorial # modulo √ square root ' first derivative Tips Parentheses: you may omit the leading or final parentheses, e.g. 1+2)(3+4 is valid. Multiplication: you may omit the multiplication operator when unambiguous, e.g. 3π+2(1+2) Expression continuation: starting a new expression with an operator auto-inserts ans, the result of the last expression. Clear: use the Enter key to quickly erase the whole input line. Scientific e notation: 1e3 is 1000. Angles in degrees instead of radians: use either sind(90) or sin(90deg). Use trackball Up/Down to navigate the history. Derivative It is possible to compute the first derivative of a function with one argument using the prime notation: log'(5). The prime mark (quote) must appear immediately after the name of the function, and must be followed by open-parentheses. The derivative may be plotted e.g. sqrt'(x). To compute the derivative of an expression you must define the expression as a named function: E.g. f(x)=x^3+x^2+1, followed by f'(x). Multi plot To plot multiple functions on the same 2d graph, simply enter them on the same line separated by ";". E.g. x;x^2;2 Binary, octal, hexadecimal You can enter values in binary, octal or hexadecimal by prefixing them with 0b, 0o or 0x respectivelly, such as: binary: 0b1010 octal: 0o17 hex: 0x100

What's new in Arity Mod 1.44

1.44 - Added dark theme (in settings) 1.43 - Fixed 3D-graphics 1.421 - Hotfix '0' button 1.42 - Light theme, other improvements 1.41 - Use appcompat-v7 - Fixed error on android < 5 1.4 - Increased font size on keyboard - Improved user interface
Arity Mod | 99 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.4

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