Download Social Fridge 0.2 APK for Android

Social Fridge.apk 0.2
Name: social-fridge.apk
ID: be.kuleuven.cs.chikwadraat.socialfridge
Version: 0.2
Size: 4.1 Mb

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Social Fridge Details

Social Fridge allows you to find people to cook and eat with when you don't have all the necessary ingredients. You can choose a dish and Social Fridge will find people (Facebook friends) who have the ingredients you don't. You can choose who to invite, and then agree on a timing. Social Fridge is not complete yet. At this time the app allows you to do two things: firstly invite people for dinner and agree on a timing, secondly manage your fridge. We released this because we wanted to test the user interface. Don't forget to fill in the evaluation form on !

What's new in Social Fridge 0.2

- added fridge management - improved party UI - bug fixes
Social Fridge | 5 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.4

Download Social Fridge 0.2 APK

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