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CLATapult.apk 1.0
Name: clatapult.apk
ID: conductexam.clatapult
Version: 1.0
Size: 6.8 Mb

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CLATapult Details

Who should teach you to paint? A businessman or a painter? I'll bet on the painter. Who should teach you to write? A businessman or a writer? I'll bet on the writer. And who should teach a law aspirant? A businessman or a law student? I'll bet on the law student. Been there, done that. You've been at war. You know the trenches. The mines. The bunkers. The enemy. You know the bullets. And the machete. Because you've been at the war. And youknow how to avoid the trenches and use the bunker. How to use the machete and avoid a mine. Been there, done that. That was why CLATapult came into being. We were saddened by the mushrooming of law coaching business. Every Tom, Dick, Harry and Rabbit came up with a CLAT coaching business. The existing CAT coaching institutions added a legal reasoning module to their existing study material and the CAT became CLAT. For such coaching institutions L was just another alphabet. L was just a few more coins in their already bludgeoning purses. We are very much unlike the big coaching institutions, which train students for CAT, MAT, XAT and for any exam with any combination of the English alphabet. CLAT for them is merely an addition to the bottom line; CLAT for them is CAT with an L. CLATapult focuses exclusively on law entrance tests. For us, L holds a special meaning. L is our life, it's our livelihood. L stands for law, for a powerful career option. We understand that even for you L is life, a career shaping choice. With these ideals, CLATapult came into being. Law coaching by law students. Not by businessmen. All our materials that you will come across here have been rigorously researched and meticulously prepared by NUJS, Kolkata students
CLATapult | 7 Reviewers | | Rating: 5

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