Download PathPix Hex 1.0 APK for Android

PathPix Hex.apk 1.0
Name: pathpix-hex.apk
ID: com.kpixgames.pathpixhex
Version: 1.0
Size: 2.4 Mb

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PathPix Hex Details

Like tough puzzles? PathPix Hex is PathPix with one big difference. The paths wander about on a grid of 6-sided (hexagon-shaped) cells. Warning: twisty paths make for tricky puzzles! Puzzles range from Easy to Extremely Difficult. Even the most experienced PathPix puzzlers will find many challenges here. Simple rules - complex puzzles - hidden pictures! ******************** Draw bright, bold lines of color connecting pairs of colored numbers. The length of each path must equal the numbers you are connecting. There's only one way to do it, and all cells will contain a piece of a path when the puzzle is solved. Finish solving to see the miniature picture that you have created. As an extra reward you get a quote related in some way to the picture. Witty or wise, it will give you a little something to think about as you go on to the next puzzle. ****************** PATHPIX HEX FEATURES: Graduated puzzles, small to large, easy to expert. All puzzles unlocked always. Pinch zoom to make cells larger or smaller. One finger scrolling. 179 beautiful picture puzzles. ****************** PathPix Hex is based on the game "PathPix" by KpixGames.
PathPix Hex | 15 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.7

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