Download Android Script 1.0 APK for Android

Android Script.apk 1.0
Name: android-script.apk
ID: appinventor.ai_james_l_stevenson.androidscript
Version: 1.0
Size: 2.3 Mb

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Android Script Details

An easy way to make simple and quick Android apps that fit a purpose. Use features like: texting, location data, date and time as well as accelerometer information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use inbuilt features like variables (called on with the @ key letter). Example Use: $clear $cleardb va myFirstVariable Hello va mySecondVariable World pa @myFirstVariable pa _ pa @mySecondVariable $cleardb Example Output: "Hello World" Example Use: $clear $cleardb $hidescripton va number 00000000000 va message Hey! m @number @message bt Text! colour blue ti TextingApp $cleardb ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try Using: Variables - va [variable name] [variable value] Instead of a variable value you could try using the following commands: $date $location $xaccell $yaccell $zaccell Pasting To The Screen - pa [text or variable to paste on screen] Appending two variables or text - ap [first variable or text] [second variable or text] Texting - me [number of recipient] [message] Vibrate Phone - bu [duration in milliseconds] Background Colour - co [red, blue, green, yellow or pink] Add variables or numbers, the result will then be stored in a variable with the name of the first value - su [first value] [second value] Divide variables or numbers, the result will then be stored in a variable with the name of the first value - di [first value] [second value] Multiply variables or numbers, the result will then be stored in a variable with the name of the first value - mu [first value] [second value] Minus variables or numbers, the result will then be stored in a variable with the name of the first value - mi [first value] [second value] Alert the user with a value - al [message] Change the title of the app - ti [name] Change the button text - bt [name] Additional commands: $clear - Clears the screen $cleardb - Clears the variable database $multilineoff - Switches on multi lines for the top text box $multilineon - Switches off multi lines for the top text box $hidescript - Hides the main text box $showscript - Shows the main text box
Android Script | 9 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.9

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