Download NutriMenuNXT 1.0 APK for Android

NutriMenuNXT.apk 1.0
Name: nutrimenunxt.apk
ID: org.vkedco.mobappdev.nutrimenu_nxt
Version: 1.0
Size: 0.4 Mb

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NutriMenuNXT Details

NutriMenuNXT is a slightly improved version of NutriMenu. It is an Android application that allows the user to get nutritional information on menu items from 296 restaurant chains (e.g., A&W, Applebee's, Arby's, Au Bon Pain, etc.). The user selects a restaurant, a menu category and an individual menu item in that cateogry. After an item is chosen, its nutrtional information is displayed with embedded Wikipedia links to important nutrition terms. The differences between NutriMenuNXT and NutriMenu are: 1) Slightly changed UI design; 2) Back button on a Wikipage comes back to the nutritional label; 3) Back button on a search screen clears the search button in TextWatcher.
NutriMenuNXT | 8 Reviewers | | Rating: 4

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