Download Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) 1.3 APK for Android

Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT).apk 1.3
Name: pakistan-awami-tehreek-(pat).apk
ID: appinventor.ai_minhajian.pat
Version: 1.3
Size: 1.6 Mb

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Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) Details

Pakistan Awami Tehreek is a political party of Pakistan working for democratic political values in the country under the dynamic leadership of Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri. Its main emphasis is towards the betterment of masses on social, cultural, and religious footings, to enlighten them with the knowledge of their rights and duties and to present a realistic, rational and scientific picture of Islam. FEATURES OF THE APP - Manifesto - Leadership - Literature - Online Membership - News & Events - Print Media Coverage - Press Release - Editorials - Upcoming Events - Articles - TV Interviews - TV Talk Shows - TV News - Bedari-e-Shaoor Videos - Revolutionary Thoughts Over the past 2 decades Pakistan has been through many turbulent times, non more so than the last few months, which we have all witnessed. The prospects and potential of this country have been transformed by the energy of the people of Pakistan. Now we face new challenges and opportunities. We must deal with them with the same clear thinking and robustness. Previous governments have failed to deliver on the public services. The result is that the basic facilities of life are still beyond the approach of common man. It is imperative that the issues concerning our public services are dealt with. The institutions that hold this country together, and even its independence as a nation, are under threat. We need a Common Approach because the potential of this country is huge and cannot be realised if we have successive governments that simply spend its inheritance and squander the countries wealth on inefficiencies. The PAT intends to lead that Common Approach. Our principles and traditions mean that we are in an ideal position to do so. Throughout our election campaign we will be highlighting our policies and fighting hard to serve the people of Pakistan in the way a true democratic government should. A comprehensive national educational policy to streamline the education system in accordance with the demands of the present age will be implemented. The government of Pakistan Awami Tehreek will work out policies for the enhancement of national resources and riddance of debt-ridden economy. We will establish public-private partnership and reduce red tape. Industry will be set free to compete. Equality, inclusiveness, putting people first will provide basic facilities of life and equal job opportunities.. PAT spans all four comers of the globe in over 86 countries. We have an equal participation of the youth, women, farmers, traders, employees and minorities and all the work we have undertaken has been based on the ideology of uniting Pakistanis at home and abroad. I have over the last 30 years worked hard to promote Pakistan at home and abroad. We are an inclusive party with a proven track record on social reform. Its all about 35 provinces, Allama Iqbal, army, article 6, article 38, article 62 63, change, constitution, corrupt, corruption, democracy, dictatorship, drone attacks, Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri, dual nationality, elections, elite, Faisalabad, fake democracy, fake elections, govt, high treason, inqlab, inqilab, international relations, India, Iqbal, Iran, Irfan-ul-Quran, ISI, Islam, Islamabad, Israel, Jamaat Islami, jihad, Karachi, Kharijites, Khawarij, Lahore, long march, militants, MQI, Minhaj, Minhajian, Minhajians, MinhajTV, Minhaj TV, MinhajulQuran, Minhaj-ul-Quran, MQM, MukMuka, MWF, Nawaz Sharif, news, Pak Army, Pakistan, Pakistan Awami Tehreek, Pakistan Muslim League, Pakistan Peoples Party, Pakistan Tehreek Insaf, PAT, peace, PMLN, PMLQ, politics, political party, political parties, poor, poverty, PPP, propaganda, protest, PTI, Qadri, Quaid-e-Azam, Quran, rally, revenge, revolution, riasat, riyasat, Shahbaz Sharif, shaheed, Sheikh Rasheed, siasat, siyasat, society, state, supreme court, tabdeeli, tabdili, taliban, Tahir ul Qadri, TahirulQadri, Tahir-ul-Qadri, translation, tv, UK, USA, Urdu, terrorism, terrorists, welfare and Zardari.

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