Download kCalendar for Kustom 1.4 APK for Android

kCalendar for Kustom.apk 1.4
Name: kcalendar-for-kustom.apk
ID: org.kustom.iamtopher.kalendar
Version: 1.4
Size: 0.6 Mb

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kCalendar for Kustom Details

**Requires Kustom Live Wall Paper (KLWP) Pro** Kustom Calendar Komponent unlike any other... uses math to calculate each day's text. Features: - Supports Calendars with weeks starting on Mondays - Built in language support for Month and Day text - Supports leap year - Includes the following configurable settings (Globals): curDayBk - Choose the color for the shape that indicates the current day curDaySh - Choose the shape indicating the current day (CIRCLE, SQUARE, HEXAGON) curDayFl - Choose between Fill or Stroke for the current day shape curDayTe - Choose the color for the current day wkText - Choose the color of the weekday text wkBkg - Choose the color of the background of the Week area yrText - Choose the color for the Year text mnthText - Choose the color for the Month text mnthBkg - Choose the color for the background of the Month area OutODyTx - Choose the color for the days that fall outside of the current month Backgrou Choose the background color Border - Choose the color of the border DayText - Choose the color for the days of the month NextPrev - Turn next/previous month buttons on/off YrFont - Font for the Year MnthFont - Font for the Month WeekFont - Font for the Weekdays DayFont - Font for the Days of the Month TxSh - Color for Text Shadow. To turn off shadow set to transparent color. TxShDir - Direction for Text Shadow - 0-359 TxShDis - Distance for Text Shadow - 0-15 TxShBlr - Blur value for Text Shadow - 0-100 TxShCurD - Choose to turn on/off Shadow for current day Installation: 1) Download and install the Kustom app 2) Change your screen wallpaper to a Live Wallpaper 3) Select Kustom 4) Tap the + button 5) Choose Komponent 6) Tap the down arrow 7) Choose kCalendar (will need pro version to add Komponents) 8) Choose Sunday or Monday komponent 9) Configure as desired 10) Tap the save button 11) Enjoy!!!

What's new in kCalendar for Kustom 1.4

1.3/1.4 •Fixed bug that was showing current day background when scrolling through previous/next months •Added yrFont global 1.2 •Fixed bug that caused Komponent to be hidden when added to wall for some users •Added Minimal Sunday Start Komponent for animation heavy walls •Added txSh globals for text shadow color/direction/distance/blur values. To turn off shadow set txSh color to transparent 1.1 •Sunday and Monday separated into two Komponents •Added Next/Previous month buttons •Added Year
kCalendar for Kustom | 128 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.5

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