Download Online Bible Verses for prayer 7.0.0_release APK for Android

Online Bible Verses for prayer.apk 7.0.0_release
Name: online-bible-verses-for-prayer.apk
Version: 7.0.0_release
Size: 12 Mb

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Free Download Online Bible Verses for prayer APK

Online Bible Verses for prayer Details

This is a free multi-functional weather clock widgets with many features, not only current temperature, daily highest/lowest temperature, local weather forecast and weather notification, but also displays Bible verse in English. A widget with Bible Verses and quotes of the day that enlightening you, must be your nice preacher in pocket. The clock weather widget features the following: √This is a small weather channel on your phone for you to get current temperature, weather forecast and other weather information. This weather widget gives many detailed weather information, like current weather condition, current temperature, highest/lowest temperature everyday. √Verse Today shows on the clock weather widget This free widget can also be considered as a Bible Verse and Quotes widget. Once you added it to home screen, then you can read the verses and quotes of the Holy Bible, which will change every day, right on home screen. There is also a shortcut for you to read more of it, right in the "Thoughts" & "My Prayer" part. With it, you don’t have to download another Bible widget or app anymore. √World weather: ability to add and change different locations, so you can get weather information of any city worldwide. With it, you can get basic weather information and forecasts of London, Sydney, Chicago, Auckland and Paris. In the meantime, you can also get New York weather, Hong Kong weather, Houston weather, adelaide weather and accurate weather in orlando. √Multiple units availabe √This is a highly localized clock widget supporting over 30 languages. √Automatic weather update interval: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours or one day √Lightweight and battery-saving: this multifunctional widget will not drain the battery of your phone or occupy much of the internal storage. The widget is developed Amber Weather team. From Amber Weather, you can also find: Classic brand-based widgets: Samsung Galaxy style, Moto Blur style, Classic HTC style, Sony Z style widget and Google Now style widget; Simplistic and minimalist widgets with elegant design; Animated weather clock widgets with super cool animation design; 3D weather widgets to enlighten your home screen; Other multifunctional widgets to meet your needs. At the same time, Amber Weather team also developed other apps like flashlight and fast alarm clock. Note: If you have difficulty applying the clock weather widget to your home screen, please watch the video: If the clock in the weather clock widget stops working, please check whether you have turned on the service guard. What's more, apps like Task Killer, Service Manager, Battery Saver, Clean Master orGame Booster may prevent the clock weather widget from working properly. Please add our app to the White/ Ignore List to keep widgets in sync. In this method doesn't work, please email us:
Online Bible Verses for prayer | 35 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.3

Download Online Bible Verses for prayer 7.0.0_release APK

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